Employee handbook: 6 must-have policies for your manual

Do not think you want to bother with developing a solid employee handbook? Think again.

As your company develops, an employee handbook is a guide for what your workers can expect from your business and what your organization expects from them. Therefore, unless you are your company’s sole employee — or else you are conducting a family business with just you, your cousin and sister as workers — you want an employee assistance.

Not needing apparent worker policies can mean huge issues. Employees frequently search for loopholes whenever they attempt to justify behaviour out of your own expectations, and they seem to a worker handbook to see them. Your employee handbook should offer advice to fortify your coverages.

Summarize the policies which impact your workers.

Here are six places which may help you kick-start a solid employee handbook.

1. Code of conduct
Your company’s code of behavior is the initial place workers should consider if they have questions regarding compliance and ethics. It is a roadmap of how they ought to behave, and it speaks to a business culture.

• Workplace security

• Attendance requirements

Spell out it to your workers.
By way of instance, if a worker is always late to work, then you ought to have the ability to refer them for their own manual for details in their working hours, in addition to the protocol you decide for excessive tardiness. Or, when male workers are expected to wear ties and suits, but a juvenile worker insists on the tie, how prepared are you to unwind a few rules?

Whatever you decide, you’re place you and your team up for achievement by including this data in your employee handbook.

2. Communications policy
A clear communications coverage might have been optional before, but it is more significant than ever in the present technological environment.

Can you give your employees using laptops, mobile phones and other devices? Do you truly understand how these devices are used? How frequently are your employees using company equipment to browse the internet, make private phone calls, save photographs, text buddies or article on social networking?

Your communications policy must explicitly state your expectations of proper use of apparatus and behaviour on these devices. Workers need to have a very clear understanding that if they use business equipment, they are behaving as a representative of your organization. Tell them, as an instance, that sending intrusion texts to somebody on business equipment can have them fired.

Make certain they know that other business policies, for example anti-discrimination, anti-harassment and integrity policies extend to all kinds of communicating and all apparatus.

3. Nondiscrimination policy
This is essential for any powerful employee handbook. You need employees to understand that your company won’t tolerate harassment or discrimination at all, shape or form.

• Age

• Race/color

• Religion

• Pregnancy

• Disability

Remember that discrimination is not always overt or on goal. Even excellent supervisors can slide and unwittingly discriminate among workers. Are workers whining about the best, five-star score one worker obtained on his inspection when nobody else did? Perhaps they think it is because he and his boss are dinner friends.

No matter this is a massive place for possible accountability, and a powerful handbook may be a great defense if charges are filed against your business.

Meanwhile, great managers are not born — they are made. Make yours conscious of your coverages and supply supervisory and leadership coaching on nondiscrimination.

4. Compensation and benefits coverage
Employees do not always remember all of the perks you spoke about throughout their interviews. You are able to use your employee handbook to remind them regarding employee benefits, such as general advice and holiday time.

Keep things easy and high quality, however. There are no absolutes in company, and a change in situation, policies or benefits will indicate that you want to upgrade your employee handbook.

As an example, you may want to outline your own benefit and compensation doctrine without specifying particular carriers or program choices.

You could even outline how frequently workers will get performance reviews without even mentioning certain pay gains. You do not wish to outline the particulars of annual merit increases and then discover you can not supply them due to business requirements. Be cautious regarding the specifics you include.

Provide the fundamental conditions of job and what workers can expect if and when they finish, such as:

How long?
• Transfers and move — should workers move or quit, how much notice would you need? Can you supply relocation assistance for workers who move to a different office within the corporation?

• Referrals — Can you provide financial rewards to workers who refer gift which you employ?

• At-will and subject — do you get a progressive discipline policy?

6. Acknowledgment of receipt
Create two copies. Give one to the worker, and keep another in their employment document — if it is a tough copy or electronic document.

Consider available technologies, and decide beforehand:

• are you going to take a digital signature?

• Is the employee handbook accessible online?

• Can the internet version of the handbook be published?

When an employee termination becomes controversial, and coverages have been contested, having on document the worker’s signed acknowledgment of reception could be your most powerful defense.

Your employee handbook is a guide of advice your workers will need to work in your company. A Fantastic handbook will:

• Summarize policies and rules which impact Your Business culture

• Give a consistent message to your workers

• Strengthen your position when You Have to terminate a worker

You do not need to add the kitchen sink, but make sure you pay the pertinent points which are applicable and relevant to your company.

As an example, a manufacturing company might not have a vital requirement for a communications coverage.

Besides policies, your employee handbook must include details about who to contact if a worker should report policy violations.

Expect to upgrade your handbook each one or two decades. Make certain that you include crucial state and national policies, and recognize that new regulations and laws imply adjustments for your handbook to stay compliant.

Don’t forget to always ensure that your policies are clear and do not presume that everybody will examine their handbook cover to cover. When it’s too long, then perhaps it doesn’t receive the attention it warrants.